Our Team
The dedicated team behind WPCC.
At Whole Person Care Clinic, our team is comprised of versatile and experienced healthcare professionals dedicated to providing comprehensive care to meet your unique needs. Our diverse team brings a wealth of expertise to ensure you receive top-quality care across all aspects of your well-being.
Nora Sarte
Interim Executive Director
Nora Sarte is passionate about serving vulnerable communities, drawing from personal experiences that have shaped her deep empathy and commitment to helping others. Her journey has inspired her to dedicate her career to improving lives, and she views her work not just as a job, but as a calling.
Dr. Connie Bartlett
Interim Medical Director
Dr. Connie Bartlett is a distinguished leader in the medical field with over two decades of exemplary service. She has consistently demonstrated her commitment to advancing healthcare and championing patient well-being during her tenure at St. Joseph and St. Jude Heritage Medical Group.
Mia Laake
Director of Recuperative Care
Mia Laake is deeply devoted to helping the vulnerable homeless population and is driven by a desire to make a genuine difference in their lives. Fueled by her perseverance and enthusiasm, Mia never shies away from taking on new challenges or confronting difficult issues that will ultimately make a positive impact in someone’s life.
Anna Bautista
Chief of Staff
Anna L. Bautista has an established background in health administration and clinic operations with 15 years of experience in healthcare. Native to Los Angeles, CA, Anna has seen first-hand the struggle of the underserved community and is dedicated to serve the community.
Danyel Harris
Human Resources Director
Danyel brings over 20 years of administrative, management, and leadership experience to the WPCC team. She holds her Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership and is currently pursuing her Master of Arts in Human Resource Management. She is passionate about leadership, personal growth, effective communication, and team building.
Vanessa MacFalda
Vanessa brings over eight years of experience in providing accounting services to both for profit and non-profit organizations. She is accomplished at providing budgets and financial forecasting to advise on the financial status of organizations and helps companies with their future financial outlook.